About Me

I have been obsessed with Stargate since I was 11, I have met Amanda Tapping (she's wonderful). I love figure skating, I am currently at SkateUK Star Bronze

Thursday 19 July 2007

First Post - Cold Showers and Buses

Today is a very dull Thursday, to help save me form boredom I switched the computer on and went onto the inter web and came across blogging and decided I would share my rather boring and dull thoughts on life with the world.
Today is especially dull because in the previous three days have been unusually eventful. On Monday my alarm went off at 6am and i groggily got down down from my bunk bed, had a very cold shower, got dressed, went quietly downstairs, had 6 strawberries for breakfast, collected my bag, and headed to the bus stop. I didn't expect the extremely reliable public bus to arrive on time, it didn't, no change there then. Once on the bus I paid a ridiculous amount to get to Nottingham and back (even when i pretend I'm still 15 so i can the ticket half price). A few Milena later i arrived at the beautiful Broadmarsh bus station desperately needing the toilet. I piratically ran through the shopping centre to the public toilets, which when i got there were closed until 8:30, i had 15 minutes to wait and 15 minutes until i had to be at the ice arena. I arrived at the ice arena 5 minutes late and so i went to the toilet, thinking i could miss much more. I met my friend and we went in to watch the British Solo Ice Dance Championships. This was a two day event, so i went on Tuesday as well, but decided my body needed more than 4 and 1/2 hours sleep so i didn't get there until 11am.
Yesterday I awoke to sound of my mum and sister getting ready for school and work, but soon fell asleep again, only to wake with my 3 year old springer spaniel, Poppy, yapping away in her room, fortunately she settled down shortly later and i drifted back into the land of nod. Eventually i got out of bed at 12 o'clock fully refreshed. I had 3 hours until i had to use England's amazing public bus service. 3 Hours later i was standing at my bus stop with a very heavy bag with my skates, skate dress, tights, skate card and passport, spare tights and a clean t-shirt. The bus journey was pretty uneventful. Once i was in Nottingham i headed to the ice arena, where i had my skating lesson. Which was great, i only fell over a few times when i was attempting the teapot. At the end of my lesson my coach told me about practice sessions, and that I was now allowed to use them.
And finally to today. Today i should probably going through the ton of summer homework I've been given but to be honest i can't be bothered. I'm at a dead end with my french work, I've finished and handed in my physics work, and haven't even attempted nor looked at my history and maths work. Oh..well. Maybe another day.
Well this is the end of my first post which i imagine the majority of people found completely and utterly boring. Good bye...